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St Joseph's

Catholic Primary School

Inspired by Christ, Working Together, Achieving Our Best


At St. Joseph's we follow the White Rose Maths Scheme of Learning. This is supplemented with resources from the NCETM so that we are always striving to challenge our learners, regardless of their individual needs or starting points. 


There are three main developmental phases to the teaching and learning of Maths at St. Joseph's.


In this stage children will use practical, physical resources such as counters, dice, counting rods, weighing scales and others to relate their mathematical tasks to their relevance in their daily lives. These tasks are a good starting point for all learners, irrespective of their current attainment.

In this stage children will draw and interpret diagrammatical versions of physical resources to help them solve mathematical problems. This is also where key representations such as the part-whole model and bar modelling are represented by children independently to solve a wider range of challenges.

The final stage children will experience each step of their learning journey is at abstraction. Here, the physical and diagrammatical resources are replaced with numbers and symbols to produce formal written methods that will solve problems efficiently.

Maths Overview 2024-2025
