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St Joseph's

Catholic Primary School

Inspired by Christ, Working Together, Achieving Our Best

Ex Pupil Data PV

Educational Records for Ex-Students


We hold personal information, for example:


  • Names and address
  • Contact details
  • Date of birth
  • Education attainment
  • Emergency contacts
  • Family relationships
  • Images
  • General case information.


We also hold some special category personal information, for example:

  • Health information
  • Ethnicity
  • Religion.


The law requires us to create pupil records and maintain them until the young person reaches the age of 25. When a pupil changes school, this record will go with them and will not be retained by the previous school, other than to meet statutory returns.

The information is provided by parent/carers, the local authority, the last education setting and any previous education settings.


The school is the Data Controller for this information. Our legal basis for processing personal data for this purpose is our Legal Obligation under The Education (School Records) Regulations 1989. Our legal basis for processing special category personal data is Substantial Public Interest (Data Protection Act 2018 Schedule 1, Part 2, section 6 (2) (a)).


This information may be shared in order to comply with any legal obligation to do so, for example with the Department of Education; or where we feel there is a good reason that’s more important than protecting your privacy, for example if there are serious risks to others, to protect vulnerable individuals, or where we have reason to believe there has been criminal or fraudulent activity.


Exam Certificates


Exam certificates are issued to school by examination boards for dissemination to students. On some occasions these certificates are not collected by students and remain with the school for years. Schools will destroy these certificates in line with the pupil record i.e., 25 years from the year of birth of the student.


Schools may attempt to contact parents of students who have not collected their certificates to remind them that the student should collect them, or they will be destroyed in line with their retention schedule.


Information likely to be used for this process includes:


  • Student name
  • Student personal email (if held)
  • Parent name
  • Parent email or telephone number


Our legal basis for this processing is Legitimate Interest. If you require a copy of the legitimate interests assessment please contact the school office.


If certificates are not collected and are subsequently destroyed, copies can be requested from the appropriate examination board.


No personal information is routinely available outside of the UK. Should a transfer of personal information be necessary we will only do so where it is permitted by law and where appropriate safeguards are in place.


For information about your rights in relation to this use of your personal information please see section 5 of our overarching privacy notice.


Please note, digital images may be retained in line with our privacy notices for Photos & Activities, and Marketing.


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