Scheme of Delegation
Christus Catholic Trust Specific Policies
Christus Catholic Trust Policies and Procedures include:
- Accounting
- Anti Fraud and Corruption
- Bad Debt
- Capability Procedure
- Charging and Remissions
- Complaints
- Discipline and Dismissal
- Dress Code
- Early Careers Teachers (ECT)
- Equality and Diversity in Employment
- Finance Regulations 22.23
- Gifts and Hospitality
- Induction Checklist
- Leave of Absence
- Lone Working
- Pay
- Performance Management
- Probation Procedure
- Procedure for dealing with Safeguarding Allegations Against Adults in Trust Schools
- Recruitment Procedure
- Redundancy and Restructuring Procedure
- Risk Management
- Sabbatical, Sickness Absence Management Procedure
- Staff Code of Conduct
- Staff Grievance, Staff Wellbeing
- Severance Discretions Statement
- Trustee and Governor Allowances
- Trustee, Governor and Staff Expenses
- Whistleblowing Policy